This morning at 7am I almost hit a dog running in the middle of a very busy street. A small, female schnauzer. After swerving through traffic to avoid getting hit, she ran into an open field where I parked and lured her in with Milkbones that I keep for just this occasion. She luckily came to me quickly and I took her home, safe from the dangers of the road. After giving her a bath and taking her to the vet to have her scanned for a microchip, which she was without, I posted her all over the internet; my non-profit's Facebook page, Craigslist, several lost dog networks and Fido Finder. Twelve hours after picking her up, I got a call from her owner. Turns out her name was Snow and when she was let out this morning to go potty, she ran away. The owners were worried sick until they saw my ad on Fido Finder. I immediately drove Snow home and she was happily reunited with her family, tail wagging.
Alisa J.