Our husky, Olaf, escaped from our backyard Friday morning when our new neighbor's dogs jumped the fence and opened our gate. Our neighbors found their dogs along with our other dog and brought them home. We couldn't find Olaf anywhere and drove around for 3 hours immediately after we discovered he was missing. We had no luck finding him during our excursion and decided to make flyers and post them around the neighborhood. We contacted the pound and local vets with Olaf's information hoping that somebody had contacted them with his information. Saturday we spent more time putting up flyers at all major intersections in our town as well as mini-flyers on doors in our neighborhood. We were hoping that somebody would see the flyers and give us some information on where to find him. Sunday my friend told me to post Olaf's information on FidoFinder.com. I was really skeptical about using it because I thought if somebody in my town had him, they would contact the pound or see a flyer somewhere. Monday morning I received an email at 11 from Fido Finder saying that somebody thought they had Olaf. I called the man right away (he was in a town 2 hours away) to see if I could get some more information. After talking to him we were pretty sure that he had Olaf. I had gone the cheap route and not put his picture up, but if this ever happens again I definitely will because it would have made the identification process a little quicker. Anyway, we went to go pick up Olaf immediately and couldn't believe that Fido Finder was what reunited us with our dog after him being gone for 4 days. Thank you so so much!!! Hopefully this never happens again, but I will definitely pass this along to anyone I know of that is missing their pet :)