Lost Dog

Lost Chihuahua in San Bernardino, CA


Lost Chihuahua in San Bernardino, CA

ID# 680415

White & Brown
San Bernardino, CA 92404  

Lost on 02/06/2025

Dog's Description

Very friendly senior chihuahua white with tan/brown spots, weighing 10 lbs. Emotional support animal escaped yard while owner was away at work need him home ASAP. Thank you for your help.

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Lost Chihuahua in San Bernardino, CA

ID# 680415

Dog's Description

Very friendly senior chihuahua white with tan/brown spots, weighing 10 lbs. Emotional support animal escaped yard while owner was away at work need him home ASAP. Thank you for your help.

Possible Matches

Within 100 miles of 92404